
Hacking Handbook

Thoughts on the TalkTalk breach

With the recent TalkTalk security breach impacting potentially 4 million UK customers my phone was ringing off the hook from late on Thursday 22nd October. Regularly when a big cyber security story hits the front pages I get asked by the media for expert opinion given my role at Queen’s University Belfast’s Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) – the UK’s Innovation & Knowledge Centre (IKC) and lead academic research centre for cyber security.

Thoughts on Mobile Word Congress 2012; Why you should be there #mwc12

I returned from Barcelona on Friday after a week of lead generation, market positioning research and generally being a booth bloke at Mobile World Congress for my employer The Centre for Secure Information Technology (CSIT), an innovation and knowledge centre specialising in cyber security research based at Queen’s University of Belfast.  I have spent the weekend mulling over the experience …

Thoughts on Mobile Word Congress 2012; Why you should be there #mwc12 Read More »