
Thoughts on the Apple #WWDC14 announcements, media crib sheet

I was asked last week by BBC Good Morning Ulster to come in to the show and talk about the announcements made at Apple’s World Wide Developer Conference 2014. As with every media engagement I do I had done my homework the night before and prepared a crib sheet covering all potential areas for discussion which is shared with the show producer in advance so they can brief the presenter and prepare questions for them. The full crib sheet is replicated below for those who haven’t OD’ed on WWDC commentary yet.

How (not) to kill creativity; With thanks to Teresa M. Amabile – Part 1

With the Digital Circle (DC) elections now done and dusted I felt it was timely to jot down my thoughts about encouraging creativity as its is broadly linked. Further stimulus arrived on Monday by way of a tweet from one of the newly elected members of the steering group. While this post isn’t aimed specifically at the work of that fine institution, there are parallels to some of the ideas raised. DC is involved in the business of supporting digital creativity in all forms after all. I am drawing shamelessly from the work of Teresa M. Amabile as well as on my own experiences from various roles.